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Aquarium - Vivarium, Auditorium, Conference room, Room for hire


New generation aquarium that offers an immersive journey, in the heart of the world of water, to understand all the secrets of its metamorphoses.
By following a playful and interactive path, the visitor slips into the skin of a drop that will take 1000 years to complete his world tour. And it is by contemplating the path of this molecule under all its physical states (water, ice, steam, etc.), that Oniria allows to explore many planetary ecosystems but not only!
Corals, invertebrates, tropical fish, sharks… ONIRIA is shaped by 83 basins of all sizes. The site, dedicated to teaching and entertainment, offers unique virtual and polysensory experiences making immersion in different environments even more realistic.
And that’s not all! «sensation» rooms, holograms and virtual sea monsters will cross your path.

Pets welcomeno

Spoken languages

French, English, Spanish

Labels and brands

Accueil Vélo Qualité Tourisme
Pass Patrimoine - Heritage passyes
RestrictionsProper clothing required