Behind the large picture windows opening onto the green garden by day and lit up by night or around the swimming pool, you can sit down to enjoy the clear, colourful gastronomic dishes colourful gourmet dishes made with local and seasonal produce. On the menu of this creative table, the audacity of the land-sea and combinations that tease embrace traditional Mediterranean cuisine: El Xaï lamb, Tirabuixò pork Tirabuixò pig, veal from the Pyrenees, fish from local fisheries, prawns from Palamos gambas from Palamos, fresh Opoul goat's cheese, saffron and local olive oil. perennial herbs grown on the square, such as oyster leaf and purple basil. basil. As for desserts, pastry chef Nabil Benjfine has created a sweet menu that is also rooted in the local the local terroir, in which the ancestral chocolate is adorned with dark fruity olive oil to make it even more delicious and sunny.
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